Abortion is legal in Colorado. All are welcome here. Appointments are available within a week.
Boulder Valley Health Center’s R.E.A.L. program stands for Reproductive Justice, Education, Advocacy, and Leadership. Interested high schoolers will have the opportunity to dive deeper into reproductive justice and sexual health topics, help educate others in our community, advocate for something you’re passionate about, and be a leading voice in the sex and sexuality world across Boulder County.
R.E.A.L. meetings will begin on Wednesday October 11, 2023, and meet in-person from 5:30-7:30pm MT every other Wednesday throughout the school year. Dinner will be provided. The schedule will be adjusted for holidays.
If you are interested in learning more about the program, please fill out this form. We will reach out to you about scheduling a 30-min information session to answer any questions, and really hype you up about the experience!