Abortion is legal in Colorado. All are welcome here. Appointments are available within a week. 

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing, Treatment, & Prevention including PrEP

STI testing is one of the best ways to keep you and your partner healthy. Testing is easy, simple, and private. Most tests can be done with a urine test or a self-collected swab. We offer rapid, finger-prick STI testing for HIV and syphilis with results in 15 minutes, and urine or swab testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea with results in 30 minutes.

If a test is positive, we will offer treatment for you and your partner. If you are concerned about HIV infection, we offer pre-exposure prophylaxis medication (PrEP), a once daily pill, to help reduce your risk of becoming infected with HIV.

Our clinic offers free condoms which is the best way to prevent STIs. We also offer vaccination for HPV. Learn more about PrEP here.

STIs we offer testing for

Infections That We Test For And Will Treat If Detected:

Infections That We Test For And Will Refer For Treatment:

Infections That We Offer Prevention For:

We believe in and support reproductive freedom!

We believe in and support
reproductive freedom!

BVHC provides supportive, respectful, & caring health care that is high-quality and affordable.