Abortion is legal in Colorado. All are welcome here. Appointments are available within a week. 

Preventive Annual Exams
(Wellness Exams)

Each year, it is recommended that you meet with a health provider to review recommended health screenings and discuss ways to stay in good health. A wellness exam can prevent problems before they start and allow for early treatment to address any existing health issues.

Schedule an appointment now for a preventive annual exam.

What Does A Wellness Exam Involve?

The exam and screenings you need depend on your age and your individual health and family history. Our clinic focuses on reproductive and sexual health screenings, and we can connect you with a general primary care provider for other screenings or treatment when indicated.
Because we want to focus on your wellness, we ask that you schedule your preventive annual exam at a different time than a visit for an acute medical issue.

We believe in and support reproductive freedom!

We believe in and support
reproductive freedom!

BVHC provides supportive, respectful, & caring health care that is high-quality and affordable.