Abortion is legal in Colorado. All are welcome here. Appointments are available within a week. 

Procedural Abortion

Up To 16 Weeks and 0 Days

A procedural abortion is also called a surgical abortion or an in-clinic abortion. Our clinic offers procedural abortions for people who are up to 16 weeks and 0 days pregnant.

What To Expect

After performing an ultrasound and a careful pelvic exam, a gentle device is used to remove the pregnancy from the body. The procedure itself takes between 5 and 15 minutes. 

We offer several pain management options to patients who have concerns about the pain or discomfort that can occur during the procedure. We will support you during the entire procedural abortion and carefully monitor you before you leave our clinic.

If you have any additional questions about procedural (surgical) abortion, please visit the National Abortion Federation website which has accurate, up to date, and reliable information.

Pregnancy Calculator

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last period to see your options

The gestational age of your pregnancy will be determined by the ultrasound done on the day of your visit. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

We believe in and support reproductive freedom!

We believe in and support
reproductive freedom!

BVHC provides supportive, respectful, & caring health care that is high-quality and affordable.