Abortion is legal in Colorado. All are welcome here. Appointments are available within a week.
The mission of Boulder Valley Health Center is to meet the reproductive and sexual health needs of our patients. Our concierge patient service representatives can talk with you about payment options, using your health insurance, and options for financial support when needed.
Our clinic accepts most major insurance plans, including Colorado Medicaid. Here is a list of insurance plans that we accept. Please note that even with health insurance, there may be some payment due for your clinic services. We can work with you to estimate the costs and make a plan to meet your needs.
If someone does not have health insurance, or chooses to not use insurance for their visit, we will offer you a cost estimate and discuss payment options. Our clinic offers a sliding scale fee for services. This means we will adjust costs based on your income, your family size, and other factors.
Our goal is to make sure that you can access reproductive and sexual health care services without financial barriers.
We understand how important privacy, or confidentiality, is to accessing medical care. We will not talk to anyone else about your visit, results, medications, or any other aspect of your care unless you give us specific permission to do so. Patient confidentiality also applies to patients who are under the age of 18. There are many federal and state laws that require our clinic to keep your visit private; these include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Title X statutes, and Colorado law.
There are limited cases when a health provider is required to break confidentiality and make a report to legal authorities. Examples include life-threatening situations such when someone is a threat to themselves or others and child abuse including sexual assault of a minor.